Friday, 10 December 2021

Review Ameet Parekh’s Thought On Why Creating Strategies Is Important For Gaining Customers

It's 2021 and somehow word of mouth is still considered a good system to scale up your business. Now, the aim here is not to knock this good old marketing method. Rather, the aim is for entrepreneurs to see how this is a very unreliable method of trying to scale up. Ameet Parekh is one entrepreneur who constantly stresses on the importance of having some set systems that are robust enough to get your business through all kinds of ups and downs. Without such systems in place, gaining new customers for your business can be very unreliable, thus making earning consistent profits unreliable too. 

Word-of-mouth is an old, tried-and-tested marketing strategy. But on its own it can be a very ineffective way to generate solid leads for your business. Ameet Parekh insists that one of the main reasons for that is because you need a considerably large client base to be able to pull it off successfully. Not every satisfied customer will go around talking about how good your business is. Secondly, many times the customers who come in after a referral have very high and sometimes even false expectations for your business. This could end badly in many ways. 

Creating new strategies is extremely important and something Ameet Parekh as a coach always focuses on. He constantly talks about the importance of creating efficient systems, that are perfected over time, to generate leads in a reliable manner. Implementing this has helped many small businesses take off in the past year. 

Review Ameet Parekh’s Thought On Why Creating Strategies Is Important For Gaining Customers

It's 2021 and somehow word of mouth is still considered a good system to scale up your business. Now, the aim here is not to knock this ...